Documentos de investigación
Country Reports
- COLMOD V2 Colombia Country Report
- COLMOD V3 Colombia Country Report
Artículos publicados
- Learning from your neighbor: tax-benefit systems swaps in Latin America
- Política fiscal, pobreza y desigualdad: Un modelo de microsimulación para Colombia Revista Ensayos de Economía – UN
Documentos de trabajo
- Income redistribution in Latin America: a microsimulation approach
- Financial disincentives to formal work: evidence from Ecuador and Colombia
- The role of tax-benefit systems in protecting household incomes in Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic
- The Effect of COVID-19 and Emergency Policies on Colombian Households’ Income
- Assessing the cushioning effect of tax-benefit policies in the Andean region during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Assessing the effect of closing the gender income gap on fiscal revenues in Latin America
- ¿Cuánto cuesta y quiénes se benefician de la devolución del IVA ?
- El reto distributivo: microsimulación de un impuesto a las pensiones para aumentar la cobertura de Colombia Mayor.