- COLMOD en el Externado
- Financial disincentives for formal work
- Assessing the role of tax benefit systems in reducing the gender gap in incomes in Latin America presentado en “2022 WIDER Development Conference, UniAndes”
- The role of tax-benefit systems in protecting household incomes in Latin America during the Covid-19 pandemic presentado en “Tax benefit microsimulation models and results Universidad de Chile, Facultad de Economía y Negocios November 2022”
- Assessing the role of tax-benefit policies in mitigating the distributional effects of COVID-19 in the Andean region presentado en: SOUTHMOD workshop 2022
- Pobreza monetaria y transferencias a hogares presentado en el foro “Superar Hambre, Superar Pobreza: Prospectivas y Desafíos” de Prosperidad Social Octubre 2022