What is the International Constitutional Law Association?

The IACL is the association that has led the organization and holding of the different World Congresses of Constitutional Law Nature of the Association

Autonomous, scientific and professional organization, in the terms of its statute and within the framework of UNESCO.

The association promotes:

  1. Related and other associations, organizations and institutions
  2. National and regional constitutional law associations.
  3. Publications of scientific meetings and other academic works
  4. Dissemination of science, research and constitutional studies, especially among young academics and experts.

History and objectives of the IACL

Founded: Convention (Belgrade – Serbia), September 17 to 19, 1981


  1. Stimulate study of Constitutional Law
  2. Build global network of constitutionalists
  3. Promote forums for the exchange of ideas
  4. Compare constitutional systems
  5. Examine common constitutional phenomena
  6. Anticipate constitutional problems
  7. Realization of the objectives of the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  8. Promote democracy

To meet these objectives, the AICL:

  • Organizes international and regional events on scientific, political and practical problems of constitutional law.
  • Cooperates with other associations and encourages the founding of national and regional institutions.
  • Scientific Publications.
  • Stimulates research into constitutional law, especially among young academics and experts.

Bodies that make up the IACL


Delegates of different nationalities and scientific institutes participate in it. Its main functions are to elect the Executive Committee and modify its statutes.

  1. President (1)
  2. Primer vicepresidente (1)
  3. General Secretariat (1)
  4. Deputy General Secretary and Treasurer
  5. Vicepresidentes (10)
  6. Members of the Executive Committe (24)

The Program Commission proposes the topic, the subtopics, the panelists and the date of the Congress. The Committee approves in consultation with the host University.

Scientific Comittee
