UExt Summer – University

Human Unity

The world is in a deep crisis. We all have a big responsibility in the short term. How to unify a world for a better and common future? Answers rely upon new understandings of society, different perceptions about us as humans, and a futuristic understanding of long-term actions.

UExt Summer University is an initiative where visiting lecturers from accredited institutions around the world, come to Bogotá – Colombia to give interdisciplinary short-term courses addressed to international and national students from June 05 to 16, 2023. This year, the UExt Summer University will be focused on issues related to the challenges of embracing new world dynamics through human values, assertive communication and leadership.

Join us this summer at Universidad Externado de Colombia, share your ideas and be part of a community of world changers.

Courses addressed to undergraduate students are from Monday through Friday, 9 a.m to 12m.

Master classes are for postgraduate students and alumni on the following dates:

  • Wednesday, June 7: Science of wellbeing
  • Thursday, June 8: Entrepreneurship in the 21st century
  • Friday, June 9: Leadership for global thinkers
  • Tuesday, June 13: Towards the future of artificial intelligences
  • All courses and classes are taught in English. No language test required for attending. High intermediate level is recommended.


    Leadership for the future

    The world is changing rapidly, and leaders need to adapt to the evolving landscape. This short course is designed to equip aspiring and current leaders with the skills, mindset, and strategies necessary to thrive in the dynamic and complex world of tomorrow.

    In this course you will explore the changing nature of leadership in the 21st century, with a focus on emerging trends, global challenges, and the role of leaders as change agents. Furthermore, the course will cover the importance of building and leading high-performing teams, managing change, and driving innovation. Participants will learn strategies to inspire, motivate, and engage their teams, and to create a culture of continuous learning and improvement.


    Happiness is a fundamental human pursuit, and research has shown that it can be understood and cultivated through scientific principles. This short course on the Science of wellbeing offers a comprehensive overview of the latest research and practices in positive psychology, aimed at helping individuals understand and enhance their well-being.

    The course begins by examining the psychological, biological, and social factors that contribute to human happiness. Participants will explore the role of positive emotions, character strengths, and meaningful relationships in promoting well-being. They will also learn about the impact of lifestyle choices, and environmental factors on happiness, and how to optimize these factors to increase their overall well-being.

    New ways of business

    This course explores the evolving landscape of modern entrepreneurship and introduces students to new ways of doing business in the dynamic and rapidly changing business environment. The course focuses on emerging trends, technologies, and strategies that are shaping the future of business, and provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate and thrive in this new landscape. Participants will learn about the latest developments in sustainability, innovation, and purpose-driven business, and how they can be applied to create successful and sustainable businesses.

    Digital Ecosystems

    In today’s fast-paced digital world, understanding how digital ecosystems operate is essential for individuals and organizations alike. This short course on Understanding Digital Ecosystems provides participants with a comprehensive overview of the complex and interconnected landscape of digital technologies, platforms, and ecosystems.

    Participants will learn about the business models and strategies employed by different digital ecosystem players, and how they create value and drive innovation.


    The National Society for Leadership and Success


    Leadership for global thinkers

    Friday, June 9

    From 17h:00 to 18h:00

    Science of

    Wednesday, June 7

    From 17h:00 to 18h:00

    Entrepreneurship in the 21st century

    Thursday, June 8

    From 17h:00 to 18h:00

    Towards the future of artificial intelligences

    Tuesday, June 13

    From 17h:00 to 18h:00





    Los estudiantes de Pregrado que se inscriban recibirán una beca del 100% para cualquiera de los cursos (con opción de insignia digital por COP 86 mil).


    Curso de Leadership for the future

    Este curso es en asocio con The National Society for Leadership and Success de los EE.UU. Se otorgarán 30 certificados (sin costo) por parte de esta organización a estudiantes con alto perfil de liderazgo.


    Asociación de Universidades – Colombia Challenge Your

    Pagan por costos administrativos y reciben una beca del 50% sobre el valor total del curso: Valor a pagar COP 430.000 (incluye certificado), para cualquiera de los cursos.


    Master classes

    Las online master classes están dirigidas a estudiantes de posgrado, egresados(as), docentes y administrativos(as) del Externado (exclusivamente). Ingreso libre con opción de insignia digital por COP 80 mil.



    Pregunta en tu programa por opciones de reconocimiento de créditos para homologación de estos cursos.



    • Valores en miles COP
    • Opción de insignia digital por
    • COP 86 mil


    • Valores en miles COP


    • Valores en miles COP
    • USD 165 APROX


    • Valores en miles COP
      Opción de insignia digital por
      COP 80 mil


    • Bogotá, Colombia
    • Universidad Externado de Colombia, Calle 12 No. 1-17 Este.

    Summer course – Language and culture course with outings

    Are you an international student and would like to learn Spanish?

    Universidad Externado de Colombia offers a course where you can study and improve your Spanish and, at the same time, get to enjoy Colombian culture. Over the three weeks of the course, classes and activities are combined so you can practice your Spanish; learn about Colombian cuisine, and how to dance; and visit the traditional neighbourhoods in Bogota and the museums, among other things. This combination and variety of activities in one programme provide the ideal structure for learning a language in a relaxed environment, without neglecting the commitment to offer quality teaching and learning.

    Summer course! Language and culture course with outings
    Bogotá, Colombia
    July 4 – 21, 2023



    UExt – Summer University 2023 Human Unity: embracing a better world through leadership

    La Universidad Externado de Colombia y la Dirección de Internacionalización y Relaciones Externas invitan a participar en este programa, en el que, del 5 al 16 de junio de 2023, visitantes académicos internacionales y estudiantes internacionales y nacionales, podrán interactuar a través de cursos académicos interdisciplinarios en inglés, así como de actividades culturales.

    UExt Summer University 2022: un espacio que busca impulsar y retomar la senda del Desarrollo Sostenible a nivel global

    En su segunda edición, más de 250 participantes nacionales e internacionales aprenderán cómo enfrentar el futuro con esperanza.

    Por medio de cursos académicos en inglés sobre los temas más imperiosos a abordar desde la academia y desde la mirada internacional, la Universidad Externado de Colombia y su Dirección de Internacionalización y Relaciones Externas han desarrollado un encuentro…

    Presentes en el UExt Summer University

    La decana de nuestra facultad, Victoria Elena González Mantilla; el docente investigador, Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed; y la coordinadora de movilidad y convenios, Johanna Garzón Cruz, asistieron a la apertura del UExt Summer University 2022, Global Development: Facing the Future with Hope.

    En este importante encuentro, nuestra facultad cuenta con la participación de la Dra. Kim Baker, profesora titular de derecho en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Abierta…

    Externadistas aprendieron cómo enfrentar el futuro con esperanza

    Más de 250 participantes, entre los que se encontraban estudiantes, profesores y egresados(as), profundizaron en diferentes temáticas que buscaban impulsar y retomar la senda del desarrollo sostenible a nivel global.

    De la mano de profesores de: University of South Carolina; University of Winnipeg; University of Kassel; Center for Asian Studies, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL); Kansas State University; University of Texas- Dallas; LSE; University of Florida…

    La Facultad de Contaduría Pública da una experiencia internacional para sus estudiantes de posgrado

    En el marco de la semana del Summer University, la Facultad de Contaduría Pública junto a su Coordinación Académica de Posgrados brindaron a los estudiantes de especialización una experiencia internacional en el Externado con la charla ‘Scope and benefits of environmental accounting management’ (Alcance y beneficios de la gestión contable medioambiental).

    La charla con traducción simultánea realizada el 22 de julio, giró en torno a la pregunta…